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Figure 1 | Nuclear Receptor

Figure 1

From: SF-1 a key player in the development and differentiation of steroidogenic tissues

Figure 1

SF-1, an orphan nuclear receptor. A- Canonical nuclear receptor and SF-1 structure comparison. AF1 : activation function 1; DBD : DNA binding domain; LBD : ligand binding domain; AF2 : activation function 2. SF-1 does not harbor a classical AF-1 domain. B- SF-1 functional domains. Zn I and Zn II : zinc fingers of the DBD; Ftz-F1 : Ftz-F1 box ; NLS : nuclear localization signal ; P-rich : proline-rich region ; FP : functional region encompassing the Ftz-F1 box and the proline-rich region ; pAF : proximal activation function ; pRD : proximal repression domain ; H1 : helix 1 of the LBD ; dRD : distal repression domain; AF2 AH : activation function 2 activation hexamer; S203 * serine at position 203, implicated in SF-1 responsiveness to the MAPK pathway. Factors interacting with SF-1 that have allowed delineation of the functional domains are shown. Their interaction sites are figured by the grey bars.

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